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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Alma 26: 11, 37

Reader, I was apprehensive to post this experience. My first thought was how my audience (made of 3 people) would react. It's not funny. It's not witty. It's deep and spiritual. Is that meant for the blogging community? Perhaps not, but I believe there is a moral associated with my story, and it's one that I want to pass on. This little fact, along with a brief conversation with the owner of "boots" made me persevere past my concerns and doubts and publish. Alas, here we are. Reader, I hope you love the story, see the moral and take the experience to heart.


A few months ago, one of my good friends said to me that twice in his life God has assured him that he was doing exactly what he should be doing, and was in the very place God would have him be. I was taken back by this statement. I had never heard anyone say something so blunt. I envied him for such a personal interaction between him and the spirit, and I wondered why I had never felt such a prompting. Or maybe I had felt something similar, but had never recognized it. Either way, I am constantly seeking the peace and confidence associated with knowing you're doing well in the eyes of God...and since my chat with said friend, I've been hoping for an experience of my own...

Today reader, I got one:

I was sweetly assured that I was in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. It felt wonderful. Tears came to my eyes as I lovingly served this stranger, and tears came to her own eyes as I spoke powerful words of hope and comfort. It was as if our spirits were speaking to each other and saying more than our mouths ever could. I thanked her for coming, and I will never forget what she said in return, "I am so glad YOU were here today". It was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. She was grateful for ME-not that she had come or for my time- but for me. She had needed me and, in a very real sense, I had needed her.

Later today I thought to myself, what if had been anywhere else? What if I had come late? What if I had missed her? The thought of missing that special moment killed me. Instantly, I knew God had intended for use to meet. So I must be doing something right if I am able to become an instrument in His hands, ya?

So here is my advice reader, look for these rare moments in which God is assuring you that He is there and pleased with you. They are precious and sustaining to the soul.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Time wears her not; she doth his chariot guide; Mortality below her orb is placed.

When I was a child my FAVORITE playground apparatus was the swings. As soon as the teacher opened her door into the yard, I was running full speed to the first swing I could reach and jumped on. I loved the wind on my face and the feeling of freedom as I soared higher and higher. As I pumped my legs forward, then backward, I felt sure that I would eventually be able to reach the moon and touch it with my feet. I just knew I could make it. I fought the wind, pumped my legs with all my might and trusted myself to reach new heights. As I kept my eyes on my goal, the soft pale moon in the glory of another day, I reached up to touch her. It was wonderful. I think from those early days I have always loved the moon.

As I've gotten older and life has become more complicated, there have been fewer and fewer times wherein I've felt that same sense of freedom, potential and accomplishment. Somewhere along my way I have stopped reaching for the moon. Her glow has always been on me, but I have taken my steady eyes off her face. Today, however, is a swing day and my foot has just scraped the moon's surface; it feels wonderful. You see reader, I have allowed myself to pursue my dreams. I have jumped on the swing and pumped my little legs as hard as I could.

Ever since last summer, when I attended a conference for The International Margaret Cavendish Society, I wanted to present a paper and get published. Oh, I wanted it so badly. But I didn't know how to get there. I didn't know how to do it. I wasn't even sure what I wanted to write about. I was left with a desire and no game plan. It was a very unsettling place to be, I assure you. Through some hard work, and one GREAT teacher, I finished a paper acceptable for presentation and print. Tonight reader, I have sent my paper out in hopes of presenting or publishing my little work of art. No matter what happens, I have reached for a personal goal of mine and that feels pretty good. My eyes are once again on the moon, and it's lovely to see her face.

In other news, my blind double date went exceptionally well. That's what I get for being slightly cynical about the circumstance in the first place...I have to eat my words...but it's ok because he's worth it. Our second date is on Saturday day and we're going to a used bookstore that I LOVE. Need I say more?! I'm pretty excited...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Missing Muse

I have realized in the last few hours of blog ownership, that I am a late comer to this pooled society. As soon as those 4 letters leave my mouth, "I have a B-L-O-G", instantly 1 out of every 3 people within hearing distance, chime up, "You do?! Me too!" It's amazing. All of a sudden I become self consciously introverted and hope they don't ask me for my URL. Facebook doesn't require literacy to look cool. Blogs do.

(Random side note: It's weird to not have a clear idea of who my audience is. I've told a person here and there about my blog. Are they reading it? Is it free for anyone to find? Or is no one logging on to check this beauty out? The potential vastness creeps me out.)

So I went on this date-like thing last night. By now anyone who knows me, knows that I hold high standards for what most people casually call "dates". Roughly speaking, I have spent the last 8 years of my life going on dates. I know a thing or two about this little ritual of ours, and therefore feel more than qualified to criticize them. I have never done so publicly. I have almost never done such a thing with my friends. (The truth of the matter is I usually go home feeling rather grateful-grateful that I'm still being asked out, and that the guy just shelled out a few bucks in my behalf.)

Seeing as how I am a dating connoisseur, of sorts, I'm wondering if my blog should be devoted to my rare success, and more than often failure in interacting with the male race. I mean gender. But then I this all too "Sex in the City"? Because I am no Carrie (I aint got the clothes, or the rich hot, perpetually coming back into my life, millionaire boyfriend) and this is NOT NYC (provo, utah. Need I say more?). But I do have a few tricks up my sleeve and a few stories I could tell. All in all, it's not a bad idea.

Sure, I've addressed the fact that everyone (3 people) will become aware of my embarrassingly long dry spells. In such circumstances I can bring past stories into play, or a worthy enough story of a friend. Or a friend of a friends. Whatever. I'm not writing a history here. This is my hyperbole.

Yet I this a ridicules waste of time for me and my readership (3 people)? Perhaps my blog can be a commentary on various news articles, or interviews I hear on NPR! Or maybe I can try and be funny and witty in telling stories! Or maybe "my apple" can be a menagerie between them all. Oh the sky is the limit here people!

Stay tuned for the break down of last nights date-like-thing. And for tonight's DOUBLE, BLIND date! Boo Ya!

Friday, January 22, 2010

This is it. Don't get scared now.

I've been thinking about getting a blog for awhile. For various reasons of my own, I have delayed my progression into the cyber world. Alas, here I am. One chance encounter with Dana, and I was blog struck. I walked home with thoughts of wicked awesome posts I would inevitably write. But now I feel the weight of such a task. How do all my other friends do it? How do they make their blogs so cool? They have found the secret. Me? I'm still searching.

So....I consider this more an experimental blog. I'm testing the bloggy waters with hope that I will come up with a really cool blog. Any ideas fellow bloggers? Oh wait, no one knows about this experiment except for 3 people. So let's hear it 3 people. What should I write about? Certainly not about "how ridiculously awesome" I am (ironically isn't that what a majority of blogs are about? Or wait. That's facebook. Barf.). Wow so writing about myself is rather easy. I've jotted this all down rather quickly. And I've kept you entertained thus far...

Enough. Ideas people. I need blogging ideas.

And they could somehow involve something delicious...say ice cream....that would be awesome!