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Monday, January 25, 2010

Time wears her not; she doth his chariot guide; Mortality below her orb is placed.

When I was a child my FAVORITE playground apparatus was the swings. As soon as the teacher opened her door into the yard, I was running full speed to the first swing I could reach and jumped on. I loved the wind on my face and the feeling of freedom as I soared higher and higher. As I pumped my legs forward, then backward, I felt sure that I would eventually be able to reach the moon and touch it with my feet. I just knew I could make it. I fought the wind, pumped my legs with all my might and trusted myself to reach new heights. As I kept my eyes on my goal, the soft pale moon in the glory of another day, I reached up to touch her. It was wonderful. I think from those early days I have always loved the moon.

As I've gotten older and life has become more complicated, there have been fewer and fewer times wherein I've felt that same sense of freedom, potential and accomplishment. Somewhere along my way I have stopped reaching for the moon. Her glow has always been on me, but I have taken my steady eyes off her face. Today, however, is a swing day and my foot has just scraped the moon's surface; it feels wonderful. You see reader, I have allowed myself to pursue my dreams. I have jumped on the swing and pumped my little legs as hard as I could.

Ever since last summer, when I attended a conference for The International Margaret Cavendish Society, I wanted to present a paper and get published. Oh, I wanted it so badly. But I didn't know how to get there. I didn't know how to do it. I wasn't even sure what I wanted to write about. I was left with a desire and no game plan. It was a very unsettling place to be, I assure you. Through some hard work, and one GREAT teacher, I finished a paper acceptable for presentation and print. Tonight reader, I have sent my paper out in hopes of presenting or publishing my little work of art. No matter what happens, I have reached for a personal goal of mine and that feels pretty good. My eyes are once again on the moon, and it's lovely to see her face.

In other news, my blind double date went exceptionally well. That's what I get for being slightly cynical about the circumstance in the first place...I have to eat my words...but it's ok because he's worth it. Our second date is on Saturday day and we're going to a used bookstore that I LOVE. Need I say more?! I'm pretty excited...

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