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Friday, April 30, 2010

Someon Told Me Once

Someone told me once I was moody. In offense, I denied all allegations and shrugged off any thought that they could be right. But I kinda wonder if they're right. Is it normal to be moody? Or maybe most people just don't express themselves. I've never been very good at covering up how I feel.

Someone told me once I had eyes that communicated more than my words could express. I've watched other people's eyes. Almost all eyes communicate something: sadness, excitement, boredom, pain, lies, hope. How are mine any different? Or is he seeing in my eyes the words he wants to hear?

Someone told me once that they loved me. Did they even know me? How much did they love me? What kind of love was it? Was it the kind that changes your soul forever, heals all broken pieces, and becomes an addiction that only they can satisfy? Probably not.They left. But they told me once...

Someone told me once that I have a really loud laugh. I hate it when people say that to me. Every time someone says that to me, I picture myself putting my mouth right next to their ear and laughing so loud, and so hard, that they instantly become deaf. Aren't laughs the ONE thing in this world that should be loud?

Someone told me once that I will be successful. I don't even know what that means anymore. I've analyzed, planned, and fought so long for success that it's become distorted. I don't recognize her anymore. Where is she? What does she look like? How will I know when I find her? Success. Failure. Who can tell them a part anymore? How do you know if you're flying...or falling?

I love this painting. It's by Taras Lobodas. He's Ukrainian. I think that makes me like it even more.


  1. I once told you that you're my button and my bestie. And it's still true.

  2. :-) no doubt THAT will always be true! I can't get over your blog and all the cool adventures! You're SO AWESOME WHIT!

  3. Ashley!
    I have just discovered your blog! And I LOVE it and you! You are an AMAZING writer!!
